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"Ganjiang" series air dryer


Release time:2021-03-04

Number of visits:127

Consultation details

Product picture:
Product overview:

  Chicken manure treatment is a topic of great concern to breeding friends. At present, there are several ways to deal with chicken manure: composting, dumping, tank fermentation and air drying. In different cases, the way of chicken manure treatment is not the same. Breeding friends need to choose their own way of chicken manure treatment according to the actual situation.

  Xihua technology combined with the actual situation of customers, developed a low energy consumption, modular, automatic "Ganjiang" series air dryer. This series of air dryer has outstanding highlights and obvious overall advantages, which can meet the needs of the majority of breeding friends for chicken manure treatment.

  1. No heat source is needed, that is, the heat emitted by chickens is used to dry chicken manure;

  2. Through water evaporation, the weight is reduced and the cost of storage and transportation is reduced;

  3. Reduce odor and pest breeding.

Technical parameter:

Technical parameter table

Quantity (category)
Feed type
Chicken manure
Feed moisture[%]≤75
Maximum fecal treatment capacity[T / D]9
Quantity of finished products[T / D]2
Moisture content of finished product[%]
External temperature range[℃]21-30
External humidity range[%]50-100
Total load[KW]50.675
Fan load[KW]18
Ventilation rate[m3/h]
Maximum energy consumptio[degree / day]432
Drying cycle[h]48


Welcome to leave a message for more information!

  • Mailbox:1379999188@vip.163.com
  • Telephone:+86 17351395583
  • Address:No.8 Chuangye Road, environmental protection science and Technology Industrial Park, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
  • Landline+86 17351395583
WeChat official account


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